I would like to introduce you to a new addition to our Christmas Gift Guide 23: Bobbi Beck who sent me the following wall paper samples Stellar, Owl Wallpaper, Gilmour and Versailles, Check out there press release here: in exchange for a review and a spot in our Gift Guide.
I try my hardest not to complain about living in our Town Home but it isn’t like our home when we could decorate any way we wanted even thought we was renting our home. Especially with all the pretty colors of paint and wall paper out now I would love going shopping to pick out things to make our home different from everyone in the complex but we all know we can’t do that when living in someone else home.
What I can do though it find pretty samples of wall paper and turn them into photos to hang around our home and that is what I will be doing with Stellar which I picked out for Charlie’s room. Stellar reminds me of the Galaxy and the Stars which Charlie loves. The browns and blues pop will make Charlie’s room more homey instead of like a hospitals room.

I also found Owl Wallpaper I would love putting up in my office or out on my back porch but I can’t do either. Instead once my sister finishes remodeling her home I would like to purchase this for her bedroom or bathroom. Although it would look nice in her formal living room as well.

So the Owl’s don’t become overpowering I would have Debbie use them as a accent on just one wall and to pain the other walls in a nice soothing blue or cream. Although Debbie likes greens and a light green would also look nice with the Owls. Or what color do you think she should paint the walls and why?
I also requested a sample of Gilmour because Charlie and I love flowers and I would like to put something behind our navy blue couch and this is the perfect addition to my living room. Since I can’t wallpaper the whole wall I can’t wait to put it in a frame to hang above the couch.

If Suzzane was here I know she would have wanted this in her room and I wouldn’t be surprised Charlie doesn’t try and take it for his room. Although it would look nice on our back porch as well. The flowers are so pretty and calming. I could see sitting in front of this and reading during the Winter. I just wish I had a vintage fainting couch. Wouldn’t it be pretty with that? David susrprised me when he said this wall paper would look nice in our dinning room and yes, I do agree with David. How about you? Where would you use it at and why?
I choose Versailles because it is a City Charlie and Suzzane wanted to visit. The paper is a pretty pastel blue I like with Charlie’s favorite flowers Cherry Blossoms on it and this would look nice in our hallway leading upstairs to the bedrooms. Or in my bedroom although I know Charlie wouldn’t want to share.
I could have seen this wallpaper in a Southern Mansion like in Gone with the Wind. Charlie said having it would be like walking through a park on a Summer Day. What do you think about this wall paper and why? Where would you put this wall paper and why?
You can learn more about the company through there press release here:
For other companies in our Christmas Gift Guide 23 go here.
Thank you.
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Check out there press release here: