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I would like to share a children’s joke book which I received a physical copy of in exchange for this review.
101 Silly Christmas Jokes for Kids will have a spot inside our Christmas Gift Guide 23: 101 Silly Christmas Jokes for Kids is written by Jess Kidden. If your looking for a unique teachers Gift for or gift for the children in your child’s class this pocket book is the perfect gift.

There is times when I want to tell Charlie jokes but he says all of my jokes are worse than any dad joke you could come up with. Now, I will not have to worry about telling horrible jokes because I can learn the jokes inside 101 Silly Christmas Jokes for Kids and tell them to David and Charlie. Or I could be nice and let Charlie have the book early so he could learn the jokes to perform at our Homeschool Christmas Part as part of Charlie’s drama class.
Instead I think I will put 101 Silly Christmas Jokes for Kids inside Charlie’s Christmas Stocking which he is allowed to open on Christmas Eve then we can spend time reading the jokes before we watch Christmas Even Movies and read the Christmas Story. Would you like to join us at our party? We would love to have you.
I like that the book is small and would fit in any purse or back. The cover of the book is so cute with Santa, a Snowman, Elves and even a Reindeer and no, I don’t think its Rudolph. I know Charlie will love this joke “What does a Vampire Snowman give you? Frostbite. While David would like “What is every dad’s favorite Christmas carol? “Silent Night”.
When I looked through the book I couldn’t wait to share this joke with Charlie “What is Santa’s favorite toilets bowl cleaner? Comet” Because all boys and men like gross jokes and as well as jokes about the restroom. If you have any jokes of your own you would like to share with your friends and family there is lined paper in the back of the book for jokes.
About the book:

Looking for some jokes that will really sleigh? You found it! 101 Silly Christmas Jokes for Kids is filled with funny, delightful knock knocks and gut-busters that kids will love reading, sharing and telling.
Discover the ultimate laugh-out-loud joke book for kids that’s 100% all about everyone’s favorite time of year–Christmas! Inside, kids will find clean, fun jokes like:
- What does a snowman eat for breakfast? Frosted Flakes
- What does a vampire snowman give you? Frostbite
- What do you call a really old snowman? A puddle
- Why can’t Santa spell “holidays”? He has Noel
- What’s the only thing a snowman can smell? Carrots
. . . .And many more!!
You should also check out the following books for the children in your lives 101 Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids which would make a wonderful and unique Valentines Day Gift and will be in next years Valentine’s Day Gift Guide 24. Then the Easter Bunny should bring all the children in your lives 101 Silly Easter Jokes for Kids which will fit perfectly in there Easter Baskets and will be inside our Easter Gift Guide 24.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates