10 Things You Should Know about Losing Belly Fat

10 Things You Should Know about Losing Belly Fat

Millions of weight-watchers around the world lose sleep over a bulging belly, caused by unsightly and unhealthy fat deposits around the stomach. However, most people try to lose weight with methods based on half knowledge and end up feeling frustrated and demotivated.

If you’ve been trying to lose your beer belly, the following information will help you gain a basic understanding of belly fat and how to get rid of it for the long term.

Is all belly fat the same?

No. The fat around your waist that you can hold in a pinch is called subcutaneous fat and it lies right under your skin. The other type is called visceral fat, which lies deep within your abdomen, filling the spaces around your organs. Visceral fat deposits can also build around the heart and lungs.

Visceral fat is the evil sibling of the two, responsible for a number of health problems.

Why is visceral fat considered a greater health risk?

Contrary to how you may picture it, visceral, or abdominal, fat is not a dormant deposit in your belly; it functions like an alive and throbbing body organ, producing harmful inflammation-causing substances (hormones, fatty acids and more) that affect your health in multiple ways.

According to health experts, even a visibly lean person who is not physically active can have excess visceral fat.

Which health conditions are linked to abdominal fat?

Your body needs some amount of visceral fat to cushion your organs,; however, excess abdominal fat is a risk factor for your health and well being. It has been found that fat deep inside the abdomen plays a key role in the development of a number of serious health conditions, including high cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder malfunction and dementia.

Is visceral fat difficult to lose?

While it may seem so, researchers have found that, compared to subcutaneous fat, visceral fat responds really well to lifestyle changes underlined by regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.

However, if you’ve been struggling to lose weight and get healthier despite adopting a healthy lifestyle, consider hiring a good personal trainer who can help you achieve your weight-loss goals using science-backed and certified methods.

Can I lose belly fat with crunches?

If you are overweight, spot exercises like crunches won’t help you get rid of fat deposits around your abdominal muscles.

What is an easy and effective way to lose abdominal fat?

Brisk walking. If you haven’t been exercising, start walking for thirty minutes every day at least five times a week. This simple yet highly effective habit will not only help you get leaner but will also boost your psychological health.

In addition, switch to a diet that’s free of sugary and fatty foods and includes lots of water intake and hearty meals made at home with natural ingredients.

What is the best way to lose subcutaneous fat?

Subcutaneous fat does not necessary cause health risks, but it’s good to get rid of any type of excess body fat. While a healthy diet and regular physical activity adopted to lose visceral fat will work equally well on the jiggly fat under your skin, it is generally harder to lose.

Including aerobic exercises and cardio in your fitness regimen can make a big difference when you’re trying to get rid of a bulging belly. In addition, managing stress should be an important part of your weight-loss plan.

Do I have to completely give up carbs to lose weight?

No. But you need to choose your carbs carefully. Get rid of simple carbohydrates, present in processed foods, refined flour, sugary snacks, sodas, sweet beverages and bakery products. Instead, include complex carbs in your diet, found in whole grains, lentils, sweet potatoes, brown rice, potatoes, yam, chickpeas, oats, peas, quinoa and beans.

What is the one wonder food to get rid of belly bulge?

Kale is one high-fiber vegetable that is rich in nutrients and is a great appetite suppresser too. Have it as a smoothie for maximum benefit, as juicing will eliminate the fiber as well as most of the nutrients.

What role does sleep play in reducing abdominal fat?

There has been research that indicates that people who sleep less than five hours per night are prone to gaining more visceral fat compared to those who sleep for at least seven hours. While getting enough sleep may not directly impact your body fat levels, it is an important component of a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates