10 Synonyms for PAWG 

The Mommies Reviews

10 Synonyms for PAWG 

In the last ten years or so, language and slang has developed due to people developing niche online communities and developing new and shortened ways of communicating with each other. Sometimes, this can be a casual way to shorten a longer statement. Some common examples of these acronyms are things like ‘lol’ for ‘laugh out loud’ and ‘omw’ for ‘on my way.’ These are harmless terms, although not terribly formal, and are essentially in the common vernacular that most of us use. However, this type of communication has also paved the way for more aggressive and harmful terms and acronyms to develop. The subject of this post will be the acronym pawg, which stands for ‘phat ass white girl.’ As you can see, this acronym is extremely problematic and objectifying and has no appropriate usage when referring to another person. It’s never ok to sexualize another individual without consent, regardless of the perceived intent by the person saying it. This post will cover the dictionary definition of the term, followed by 10 synonyms that can replace this harmful term. Keep reading to learn more! 

When Is PAWG Used? 

A google search for this term will yield some varying results, but all definitions generally agree that the term means a woman with a large, but not necessarily too large, rear end. Essentially, it is a comment on a person’s form exaggerating one particular quality. This is why this term is so problematic. For one, it is overtly sexual and objectifying. Secondly, it is simply a rude way to talk about someone’s body, to their face or otherwise. Some who use this term may think it’s a compliment, but there are many other descriptive words that can be used to describe the way someone looks, if that’s entirely necessary in the first place. Let’s look at a few words and their definitions that can replace this term. 


Curvaceous is a great replacement for the term pawg. Webster’s dictionary defines this word as ‘having or suggesting the curves of a well-proportioned feminine figure,’ or ‘having a smoothly curving shape.’ 


If you’re trying to pay someone a compliment, to their face or otherwise, using the word ‘beautiful’ is much better than any term that specifically comments on someone’s body shape. This word is another great replacement. 


This is a great word to describe someone’s stately beauty. Webster’s dictionary defines this word as ‘resembling a statue, especially in dignity, shapeliness, or stillness.’ This is a great and unique term to use when describing someone attractive. 


‘Marked by elegance’ is Webster’s dictionary definition of the word ‘elegant’ and does a great job of describing someone’s physical energy as well as general presence in a space. When using descriptive words, we want to be both respectful and try to point out things about the person that aren’t just their appearance. 


This is another word, similar to elegant, that describes both the way someone behaves and the way they carry themselves physically. Notice how these words describe qualities of the person as a whole rather than focusing on physical attributes. 


This term is less ideal, but does a more respectful job of describing or noting that someone or something has a particular shape. The definition of this word from Webster’s dictionary is ‘having a regular or pleasing shape.’ So, while this term doesn’t overtly sexualize anything, it is specifically talking about the shape of someone’s body. This could be appropriate in the right context, but is less ideal than others in this list. 


This is a less specific way to describe the proportions of someone or something. Someone with a symmetrical form likely has well proportioned features throughout their figure and face, and for the most part this term is fairly harmless for description. 


This word is slightly old fashioned, but refers to the beauty of someone, usually a beautiful woman. This might be too old fashioned for some, but it is a polite and respectful way to describe someone’s aesthetic beauty and appearance. 


Another great word for describing the pleasing way something looks is to use the word aesthetic. This covers more than just someone’s body type, and gives a more broad description of someone’s general appearance. 

All of the words listed in this post are great examples of synonyms and replacements for the word pawg. In most cases, it’s not necessary to describe the shape of someone’s body to the degree that this offensive acronym does. In the event that you do wish to describe how someone looks to you, choose words that reflect more complete descriptions of how someone is rather than how they look. It’s important that we all respect each other’s bodies and make sure we’re always being as respectful as possible when talking to and about others. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates