10-15% Of Gamers In The UK Show Signs Of Gaming Addiction; Here Are 7 Signs Your Kid Is Suffering (And How You Can Help)

The Mommies Reviews

How parents can identify the signs of a gaming addiction and get help

Key Points:

  • Expert identifies seven key signs that could signal your child has an addiction to gaming
  • Why being tired and irritable, hiding or not finishing homework, and having extreme emotional reactions to in-game events and being denied playtime can all signal an addiction
  • Expert explains how parents can deal with a potential addiction, including setting boundaries and promoting alternative activities

With Christmas just around the corner, kids who love gaming have undoubtedly already drawn up a lengthy wishlist of games and gaming-related gifts. But according to the most recent data, 10-15% of gamers in the UK have exhibited one or more signs of a gaming addiction. So, is it time to put a halt on Santa’s Christmas game delivery this year?

“Helping kids balance gaming with other responsibilities like chores and studying is always tough for parents,” says Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, the CEO of FreezeNova, an online gaming platform that offers gamers the freedom to enjoy their favorite games without any restrictions. “You don’t want to ban their favorite hobby, but you don’t want them to neglect school and sleep, either.”

To help parents out, Marin has drawn up a list of warning signs to watch out for. “If your kid shows any of these signs, it may be time to talk to them about a gaming addiction,” says Marin.

#1 Homework? More Like Gamework…

If homework is mysteriously “done” before you even put down your car keys, it could be a sign that screen time is sneaking its way to the top of your child’s priority list. 

“It’s normal for kids to want to push their homework aside to have fun, but if you notice that they’re regularly hiding homework or neglecting their responsibilities just to sneak in more gaming time, it could be a red flag,” says Marin. “Putting games over grades is a classic sign of a gamer who might need a little ‘time out’!”

#2 Zombies In Disguise

Seeing daytime yawns or crankiness? If your kid is like a zombie all day, they might be burning the midnight pixels. A secret nighttime gaming habit can cause sleep deprivation, leading to a short temper and a lack of focus. 

“You might see the effects in their mood and energy levels – and, more importantly, their grades,” says Marin. “It’s hard to focus on school if you’re constantly exhausted during the day.”

#3 Talking Like They’re Still In The Game

Do you hear them talking in game-speak at the dinner table? Do they suddenly sound exactly like a character from their favorite game? Are they dropping unintelligible terms like “noob” and “AFK”? 

Mimicking in-game behavior and language outside of gaming could hint that they’re too deeply immersed, and might be their way of staying in that virtual world even when they’re not actively playing. If they’re more comfortable with gamer-speak than regular conversation, it might be time to encourage some ‘IRL’ talk.

#4 They’re On An Emotional Roller Coaster

We’ve all had a bad day in a game, but if your child’s mood swings drastically based on in-game outcomes, it’s worth paying attention. Does a loss feel like the end of the world, or does a win equal a victory lap around the living room? 

“Extreme joy after a win or anger after a loss may reflect an unhealthily strong emotional attachment to the game,” says Marin. “It’s fine to love and be invested in a game, but games should be fun. If your child’s emotions are up and down like a roller-coaster with every win and loss, it may be time to take a step back.

#5 The “Gimme!” Gaming Monster

If taking away the controller or saying no to in-game purchases results in a meltdown, this could be a red flag. 

“Is there drama when you say no to a new game, a coveted in-game purchase, or even gaming time during holidays like Christmas or birthdays?” asks Marin. “Extreme and volatile reactions, whether it’s an outburst of anger or excessive and annoying bargaining, may signal an unhealthy attachment to gaming.”

#6 Skipping Snack Breaks Or Bathroom Runs

Is the game so gripping they’ve “forgotten” basic needs like food, water, and bathroom breaks? It might sound extreme, but some gamers get so hooked that they completely forget the world around them, including basic necessities like food and drink. 

“When gaming takes precedence over basic bodily functions, it’s a clear indication that the game is the main focus in their life, and they need help breaking away,” says Marin. “No one should be pushing aside essential self-care for gaming.”

#7 “Gamer’s Thumb”, Tech-Neck Troubles, And More

Spending too much time gaming can have physical consequences. Repeated play without breaks can lead to “gamer’s thumb” (stiff, numb, or aching thumbs) from hours of gripping controllers or neck pain from poor posture. These issues are signs that their gaming habits are taking a toll on their body, and they need to take a break (and have a good stretch!). 

Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, the CEO of FreezeNova, commented:

“Gaming is great fun for kids, but if it starts to take over their lives, it’s time to step in. One of the best things you can do is set clear and consistent boundaries around gaming time. Make sure there are limits, and help your child understand why those limits are there. If they feel like they’re involved in the conversation, they’re much more likely to follow the rules. 

“Encouraging alternative activities—like sports, hobbies, or even family board game or quiz nights—can provide balance and keep them engaged in things outside the screen. Try and have a frank conversation with them about why having hobbies other than video gaming is good for their wellbeing.

“If you feel gaming has taken a toll on their health, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for support. Therapy can be an invaluable way to help kids regain balance and develop a more positive relationship with gaming.” 



If you choose to use this information, please include a link to the FreezeNova website (https://unblocked-games.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html). This will help us to continue to provide you with quality content. 

About FreezeNova

FreezeNova offers gamers the freedom to enjoy their favorite games without any restrictions. Dedicated to providing free access to a wide array of high-quality, unblocked games, FreezeNova ensures an enjoyable and addictive experience for gamers of all levels. Whether you prefer solo play or enjoy competing with friends, FreezeNova’s community features facilitate fast and easy connections with fellow gamers. The platform fosters a friendly and positive atmosphere, promoting engaging conversations and thrilling competitions. FreezeNova caters to diverse gaming preferences, offering everything from shooters and racing games to puzzles and survival simulators.

CEO Marin Cristian-Ovidiu is a developer with 10+ years of experience in game design and development. Marin first introduced FreezeNova as a brand for indie games when he published Crazy Ball. Established as a start-up company in 2019, FreezeNova’s mission is to develop and publish fun, accessible games that can be enjoyed online by everyone.


Percentage of UK gamers showing signs of a gaming addiction: Gitnux.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates