Welcome to Homeschooling In Texas. This week I will be sharing new Writing Prompts for 4th Grade. I love sharing new and unusual facts with Charlie. Which allows us to start something new this week. I will be looking up funny Holiday happenings during the month one week at a time. Once I have them I will write them down in Charlies Creative Writing Notebook. Each morning for morning work Charlie will pick out one of the prompts and be looking it up and coming back to write out how it was started and things he learned about the Holiday.
7 Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day
7 Send a Card to a Friend Day – obviously created by a card company
8 Boy Scout Day – celebrates the birthday of scouting
8 Kite Flying Day – in the middle of winter!?!
10 Umbrella Day
11 Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day
12 Clean out Your Computer Day – second Monday of Month
I have a question for you this morning do you use writing prompts in your classroom and if so where do you get the ideas from? Because when I was in school we used a newspaper. Which most people don’t subscribe to and yes, Charlie could look it up online but if we are using a magazine or newspaper I want him to have one he holds and looks through. Because I don’t want Charlie to depend on the computer for everything he does.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates